Essential Tips for Travelling Internationally with Kids: A Parent’s Guide

Travelling internationally with kids can be an exciting adventure, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. From packing the right gear to keeping everyone entertained on long flights, careful planning is key to a smooth journey. Here are some useful tips to make your international travel experience more enjoyable for both you and your little ones.

1. Plan Ahead

Planning is crucial when travelling with children. Begin by choosing a destination that will offer kid-friendly activities and accommodations. Consider what interests your children—some might enjoy beaches, while others may prefer historical sites or theme parks.

Research your destination thoroughly. Look for family-friendly restaurants, parks, and attractions. Make a list of places to visit so you can optimise your itinerary and avoid unnecessary stress once you arrive.

2. Involve Your Kids in the Planning Process

Get your children excited about the trip by involving them in the planning. Show them pictures or videos of the destination, let them pick a few activities, and discuss the culture they may experience. The more involved they feel, the more engaged they will be during the trip.

3. Pack Smart

Packing for kids can often feel overwhelming, but with a systematic approach, it can be manageable. Here are some packing tips:

  • Travel Essentials: Don’t forget important items like passports, travel insurance information, and emergency contact numbers. Make a checklist to ensure nothing is overlooked.
  • Clothing: Pack breathable and comfortable clothing suitable for the climate. Layering is essential as it allows you to adjust to temperature changes easily.
  • Entertainment: Bring along travel-friendly entertainment options such as colouring books, tablet devices loaded with games, audio books, or movies. A lightweight backpack or tote can be helpful for kids to carry their personal items and snacks.

4. Choose Family-Friendly Accommodations

Selecting the right accommodations can make a significant difference in your trip. Look for family-friendly hotels or vacation rentals that offer kid-friendly facilities such as swimming pools, play areas, or complimentary breakfast.

Consider booking accommodations that provide cooking facilities, so you can prepare meals if needed. This can save money and ensure your children eat familiar food, which can be comforting in an unfamiliar environment.

5. Prepare for Long Flights

Long international flights can be a challenge with kids but can be made easier with some preparation:

  • Choose Flight Times Wisely: If possible, book night flights to align with your children’s sleeping schedules. This way, they may sleep through most of the journey.
  • Bring Snacks: Pack a variety of healthy snacks to keep hunger at bay. Airports and airplanes can be expensive, and having snacks on hand will help you manage unexpected cravings.
  • Create a Travel Kit: Help them adjust to a new environment by packing a small travel kit with their favourite blanket, stuffed animal, or comfort item.

6. Keep a Flexible Itinerary

Travelling with kids means that plans can change! Be prepared to adjust your schedule based on your children’s moods or energy levels. Allow for downtime to relax and recharge, as it’s important to balance exciting activities with rest periods.

7. Engage and Communicate

During your travels, take the time to engage with your children. Encourage them to share their thoughts and observations about the new cultures and experiences they encounter. Not only will this enhance their travel experience, but it will also strengthen your family bond.

Make a habit of asking them questions about what they liked or didn’t like about the day, helping them articulate their feelings. This will not only keep them engaged but will also foster a love for travel.

8. Have Emergency Plans

No one likes to think about emergencies while travelling, but it’s important to have a plan. Make copies of important documents such as passports and tickets, store them in a secure location, and share the contact information of your country’s embassy in the destination city.

Teach your children what to do in case they get lost. A simple mnemonic such as “stay where you are and look for a parent” can be reassurance for both kids and parents.


Travelling internationally with kids doesn’t have to be daunting. With effective planning, thoughtful packing, and a flexible itinerary, you can create unforgettable family memories across the globe. Remember to embrace the journey, cherish the experience, and enjoy the time spent together as a family. Happy travels!

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